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Privacy Policy

When receiving your personal information, such as name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number, HACHIYOSUISAN Co., Ltd.(“our company”) will strive to handle your personal information in an appropriate manner based on the following policy.

Complying with laws and norms

To use and handle personal information in an appropriate manner, we will comply with Japan’s “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” (“the Act”), other related laws, regulations, and norms.

Handling personal information​

Acquiring personal information

When collecting your personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use to you, and we will use lawful and fair means to the extent necessary for achieving this purpose.

Using personal information

When using personal information, we will specify the purpose of use as shown below and use personal information within a scope necessary for achieving the purpose, unless otherwise provided by the law.

· Receiving and responding to your opinions and inquiries

Providing personal information

We do not disclose nor provide your personal information to third parties, except when you allow us to do so, we are required to do so under laws, or we are ordered or requested to do so under laws or ordinances.​

​Outsourcing the handling of personal information

Our company may outsource the handling of personal information to the extent necessary for achieving the purpose of use. In such case, we will select a reliable outsourcing company with appropriate management skills for handling personal information. We will conclude an agreement on the handling of personal information with the outsourcing company.

Managing personal information in an appropriate manner

To handle personal information in a safe and proper manner, we will take necessary and suitable measures for preventing leakage, loss or damage of personal information and for other security management.

Established ​January 22, 2024


President &Representative Director​ Toshiya Shimizu

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